Thursday, June 11, 2009

Extending responsible fisheries management to the ocean deeps

FAO Newsroom:
On World Oceans Day, FAO releases technical guidelines on deep sea fishing
8 June 2009, Rome - On the first-ever UN World Oceans Day FAO has published a set of technical guidelines aimed at helping the fisheries sector reduce its impacts on fragile deep-sea fish species and ecosystems.

Related article: Climate change talks mustn't forget fisheries

Agriculture is essential for facing climate change

FAO Newsroom:
Climate change mitigation from agriculture could also benefit hunger and poverty reduction

3 June 2009, Rome - Agricultural mitigation in developing countries can make farming more resilient to the vagaries of climate change and can also reduce hunger and poverty, FAO said in a policy brief for climate change negotiators currently meeting in Bonn/Germany.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Climate change meeting on the front line

Nomadic cattle herders from eight West African countries stress the need for urgent action, as effects of climate change threaten their existence.

By Kristin Rødland Buick

Calculating the human cost of climate change - help or hindrance?

Calculating the human cost of climate change - help or hindrance?

Reuters blog post by Megan Rowling

Why does it seem so hard to put a credible face on the human impact of climate change? The latest effort to do so - a report commissioned the Global Humanitarian Forum (GHF), a Geneva-based organisation led by former U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan, and released on Friday - has been criticised for what some say is the shakiness of its data.